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We will make you wanna explore Croatia

If you choose to visit Zagorje, tour of the castle Trakošćan is inevitable part of it. Trakošćan is located 23 km northeast of Krapina, 40 km southwest of Varaždin. The nearest places are Macelj and Strahinčica. It was built in the late 13th century as a small observation fortress for monitoring the road from Ptuj to Bednja Valley.

Main article photo by: Irena Trkulja Photography

“The first time you marry for love, the second time for money, and the third for companionship.” This is how the ex First lady of United States of America, Jackie Kennedy, understood the marriage. I am not going to fall in deep analyses or to try to argue with this statement, I just want to say that in any case and motivation, first you need to get married. 

The earth has music for those who listen. – George Santayana

It must be that South of Istria is an excellent listener, in respect to this spectacular gift it has received. Wondering what I'm talking about? Neither more nor less than the paradise on the Earth, the southernmost point of Istria, a place where you can still feel the spirit of bygone ages when dinosaurs ruled the world - the Cape Kamenjak!

Croatia has 1246 islands along the Adriatic coast. Some of them are inhabited and some of them are not. Some of them are national parks, others are famous for beautiful sandy beaches and some for parties such as island of Pag!

Destination guides